ARTICLE I. 名字, 目的, Affiliation, and 公司印章

节中,我. 名字. This organization shall be known as The American Council on the 教学 of Foreign Languages (“ACTFL”), 合并.

第二节. 目的. Its purpose shall be to promote the interests of world language educators, to coordinate the work of its individual and organizational members, and to bring the interests of language teaching and learning to the attention and consideration of other educators, 政策制定者, 媒体, 父母, 学生, 以及广大公众. 实现这一目的的方法是:

  1. conducting appropriate meetings for the presentation of professional development sessions, 论文讨论, and discussion of issues important to world language education,
  2. sponsoring activities for the purpose of improving the teaching and learning of world languages,
  3. publishing appropriate papers, journals, magazines, books, and reports, and
  4. providing educational services to its members.

第三节. 公司印章. The corporate seal of ACTFL shall have inscribed thereon the name of the organization and the words "公司印章-New York."

第二条. 电子下注软件

A. 个人电子下注软件

  1. Any individual, interested in language education shall be eligible for membership in ACTFL. 个人成员在选举管理人员(财务主管除外)和董事会一般成员时有权投票, and to vote on any other matters the Board submits to a vote of the individual members. Other members shall have no voting rights.
  2. The 董事会 may establish different types of membership in ACTFL, 确定每个项目的费用, and designate the publications and benefits included in that membership fee.

B. 组织成员

  1. 任何为语言教育者和/或学习者提供服务的非营利性电子下注软件组织都可以申请成为ACTFL的组织成员. The Board shall specify the conditions under which such affiliation may take place.
  2. An organizational member shall be entitled to send a delegate to 代表大会. All such delegates must be individual members of ACTFL and members of the affiliated organization.

第三条. 军官, 董事会, 委员会

Section I. 军官

A. 选举官员. The elective officers of ACTFL shall be the President, 当选总统奥巴马, 的前任主席, 和司库.

1. President-Elect, President, Past-President

一)资格. 当选总统候选人必须在过去五年内连续担任ACTFL电子下注软件并在董事会任职, 作为一个重要的委员会主席, or in another major leadership role in the profession.

b)选举. 主席由工会个人电子下注软件以邮寄或电子投票方式选举产生,每年定期选举一次.


1) The President-Elect shall serve for one year beginning January 1 of the year following election, and then be installed as President the following year.

2) 院长应 serve for one year beginning January 1 of the year following their year as President-Elect, 或者直到继任者上台.

3) The Past-President shall serve for one year after their term as President has been completed.

d)补偿. With the exception of 执行董事, no officer or director shall be compensated for services as an officer or director of ACTFL.


1)总统. 主席应为董事会有表决权的成员,并拥有和履行与主席职位有关的权力和职责,以及本章程和ACTFL政策手册中规定的或董事会指定的其他权力和职责. They shall preside at all meetings 董事会成员 and at the Annual Business Meeting. 他们应任命所有委员会, subject to the approval 董事会成员, 作为一个 依据职权 各委员会委员.

2)当选总统. 当选人应是董事会有表决权的成员,并应履行总裁或董事会指定的职责.

3)前任主席. 前任总裁应为董事会有表决权的成员,并履行总裁或董事会指定的职责.

f)总统缺席. In the event that the President dies during their term or is incapacitated, 辞职或缺席, 当选总统奥巴马 shall assume and exercise all responsibilities and authority of the President and, 在没有当选总统的情况下, then the immediate Past President shall assume such responsibilities and authority.

2. 财务主管. The 财务主管 shall be elected by 董事会 from among the sitting members of the Board. The 财务主管 shall render such reports as 董事会 may request.

B. 执行董事. The 执行董事 of ACTFL shall be the only appointive officer.

l. 任命. The 执行董事 of ACTFL shall be appointed by 董事会.

2. 期限和补偿. The 执行董事 shall be appointed for a term and compensated as designated by 董事会.

3. 职责. 执行董事是中华全国总工会的行政总裁和运营负责人,对公司的日常事务进行全面监督. They endeavor to carry out the policies formulated by ACTFL, 董事会, 及执行委员会. their shall keep a record of the proceedings of all membership meetings and 董事会成员 and of the Executive Committee, and shall be the official custodian of all such records and of the seal of ACTFL. The 执行董事 serves as an 依据职权, 无投票权的, 董事会成员,并应出席(或派指定代表出席)董事会和执行委员会的所有会议.

第二节. 董事

A. 数量. 除了军官, 包括执行董事, who shall not have voting privileges, there shall be twelve directors of ACTFL. Seven of the directors shall be at-large directors elected by the members of ACTFL. Each of the five regional organizations appoints one of the five remaining directors.

B. 资格. 理事候选人必须在前三年连续担任中华全国总工会电子下注软件,并曾在中华全国总工会各委员会任职, 担任ACTFL的另一个领导角色, or in a leadership role in an affiliated group, or leadership role in the profession.

C. 选举. The at-large directors shall be elected by the individual members of ACTFL by mail or electronic ballot. At least one at-large director shall be elected each year and, 在任何一年, 可选举必要的其他董事,以维持董事会由七名选举产生的一般董事组成,每三年轮换一次. 邀请联会电子下注软件推荐候选人的公告,应在选举前至少六个月在联会的适当刊物上刊登. There shall be placed in nomination at least two persons for each elective office, 董事会应指示执行董事在年度业务会议召开前至少四十五(45)天向所有个人成员邮寄选票或提供电子投票. A date for the closing of the balloting shall appear on the printed ballot or in any electronic voting system.

D. 任期内. The elected and appointed directors shall serve for a term of three years or until their successors are installed.

第三节. 董事会

A. 作文. The voting members 董事会成员 shall consist of all the elected at-large directors, the directors representing the five regional organizations, and all of the officers other than 执行董事, 谁是无表决权的成员.

B. 职责. The 董事会 shall have general supervision of the activities of ACTFL, 监督资金的使用, fix the salary of 执行董事, 填补职位空缺 临时 in any office or on 董事会, and make all appointments not specifically delegated to the President.

C. 辞职和离职. Any member 董事会成员 may resign at any time by sending written notice of such 辞职 to the Board. Any member of the Board may be removed, for cause, by a majority vote 董事会成员.

D. 职位空缺. Any vacancy in 董事会 occurring by reason of death, 无能, 取消资格, 辞职, or removal of a member of the Board, may be filled by the vote of the majority of the members of the Board in office even though that number may be less than a quorum. 由董事会选出填补空缺的每一名成员,应在被取代的董事任期届满后的剩余时间内担任该职位.

第四节. 委员会

A. The Executive Committee 董事会成员 shall consist of the President as chair; the immediate Past President, 当选总统奥巴马, 司库及, 作为无投票权的成员, 执行董事.

l. 职责. 执行委员会应在董事会闭会期间代表董事会行事,并应在下次董事会会议上报告作为委员会采取的行动. It shall also act in an advisory capacity to the President.

B. A Nominating Committee shall be appointed each year by the President.

C. 院长应, subject to the approval 董事会成员, appoint whatever standing and special committees are deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of ACTFL.

D. 为了促进董事会的工作,董事会可通过不时指定的其他委员会来组织自身.

第四条. 会议

A. There shall be at least one meeting of the individual members each year, which shall be called the Annual Business Meeting, at such time and place (or by remote communication) as the Board may direct. Financial and membership reports from 董事会 shall be presented at the Annual Business Meeting.

B. Special membership meetings shall be called by the President under the authorization of a majority of the members 董事会成员. 执行董事应在召开特别会议的日期至少30天前,将召开特别会议的通知发给各成员.

C. At the Annual Business Meeting and any special meeting of the members, a quorum shall consist of the lesser of 100 voting members or 10% of the voting members present in person or by proxy.

D. The 董事会 shall hold a meeting at the time of or prior to the Annual Business Meeting. 理事会的其他会议应在主席呼吁或经理事会三分之二有表决权的成员的书面要求时举行. 除本规定的定期会议外,任何董事会会议的通知应在该等会议确定日期前至少15天发给每位董事会成员.

E. 董事会 meeting may be held in person or via remote communication, provided that all Board members may hear each other at the same time. A majority of the voting members 董事会成员 shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The act of a majority of Board members at a duly called meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act 董事会成员, unless a greater number is required by law, 公司注册证书, 或这些附则.

F. Any action requiring a vote 董事会成员 may be taken without a meeting upon unanimous written approval, including via electronic communication, 董事会成员.

G. 罗伯茨议事规则, 修改后的, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Executive Committee, 董事会, 和ACTFL.

H. Wherever these Bylaws provide for nonvoting members 董事会成员, 代表大会, 或者任何委员会, 该等成员应享有其职务的所有权利和权威,但投票权或本章程明确限制于有投票权成员的任何其他权利除外. The rights of nonvoting members include, 但不限于, the right to introduce motions and to engage freely in discussion of pending matters.

第五条. 代表大会

节中,我. 代表大会

A. 代表大会是一个无表决权的咨询机构,由成员组织和其他附属组织的代表组成. 大会应每年举行一次会议,作为审议和回应董事会和ACTFL的活动和政策的论坛, and may make recommendations to 董事会 regarding the activities and policies of ACTFL.

第六条. 赔偿

A. ACTFL应(1)赔偿任何由公司促成或有权促成判决的诉讼当事人,因为他们, 他们的立遗嘱者或无遗嘱者, is or was a director or officer of the corporation against the reasonable expenses, 包括律师费, actually and necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense of such action, or in connection with an appeal therein; and (2) indemnify any person made, 或者威胁要这么做, a party to any action or proceeding other than one by or in the right of the corporation to procure a judgment in its favor, 无论是民事还是刑事, 因为他们, 他们的立遗嘱者或无遗嘱者 is or was a director or officer of the corporation, 或者为其他公司服务过, 伙伴关系, 联合判断, 罚款, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses, 包括律师费, actually and necessarily incurred as a result of such action or proceeding, 或任何上诉, 在任何情况下,在《电子下注软件》第721至726条或该法或任何管辖公司活动的后继法规的后续赔偿条款的最大范围内.

第七条. 修正案

These Bylaws may be amended or repealed, and new Bylaws may be adopted by resolution adopted by a majority of the entire 董事会 at any regular or special meeting, and any Bylaw or amendment to the Bylaws adopted by 董事会 may be amended or repealed by the Board. 经董事会如此修订或废除的任何章程,可由当时有权投票选举董事会成员的个人成员投票恢复, 在这种情况下,董事会不得就《电子下注软件》采取任何与个别成员投票采取的行动不一致的行动.

